E1 - definição. O que é E1. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é E1 - definição

E-1; E.I; E I; E01; E 1; E.1; E1 (disambiguation)

European digital transmission format 1 [Additional explanations: 2.048 Mbps]
<communications> A European framing specification for the transmission of 32 DS0 (64 kb/s) data streams. By extension, it can also denote the transmission rate required (2.048 Mb/s = 2048 kb/s). Unlike DS1 it is free of bit-robbing. (2002-03-22)
E1 (West Bank)         
  • Palestinian enclave]] surrounded by the [[Israeli West Bank barrier]] to the north, east and west.
E1 Plan; E1 area; E1 zone; E-1 (Jerusalem); E1 Jerusalem; E1 (East Jerusalem); E1 (Jerusalem)
E1 (short for East 1) (, Mevaseret Adumim) or E1 area (sometimes the E1 zone) is an area of the West Bank within the municipal boundary of the Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim. It is located adjacent to and northeast of East Jerusalem and to the west of Ma'ale Adumim.



E1, E01, E.I or E-1 may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para E1
1. They go from E1 to E10.
Replace Humans or Work with Them _ Alonso Vera _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para E1
1. Paul McCarthy LaLa Land Parody Paradise is at the Whitechapel Gallery, London E1, until January 8.
2. Olmert said Israel would still try to salvage the E1 project later.
3. "The government is saying, all we‘re doing is buidling a police station in E1," says Ms.
4. But Israeli officials recently signaled that the so–called "E1" plan was on hold and his deputy publicly confirmed it.
5. Israel is finalizing plans to build a police station on the sensitive E1 tract, a step likely to anger Palestinians.